Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Tired of editing

My brain is exhausted.  I have been editing like crazy.  Took a breather and worked on the Sequel to Call Us Legion instead.  Hehehe, someone has the ability to use electricity.  They are practicing  their new powers by frying cockroaches.  I wonder what electrocuted cockroaches smell like.  I think of burnt popcorn, but it probably smells completely different.  I refuse to go looking for a cockroach to find out.  Thank goodness, I have never seen one in my house.


  1. I worry about your little brain, Laurie.....Frying cockroaches with super powers!!!????? Gotta be good! Can't wait. MOM

  2. Ha Ha Ha! That was such a fun scene to write too. David loves that scene. It really made him giggle.
