Friday, December 10, 2010

It's 3:00 a.m. and I can't sleep

My lungs are fried, and I can't sleep.  I've been working on a Synopsis for Call Us Legion.  I realize now, that a synopsis is the most hideous thing in the world to write.  How do you condense 440 pages into 3-5 pages catching all the main events and happenings and still have it make sense?  Plus, I am somehow supposed to make it snappy and interesting.  Right now I have 5 pages of pure chaos and confusion.  The only relief that I can find is knowing from my Google searches, that all the other writers out there also abhor the dreaded synopsis.   

1 comment:

  1. I sort of know what you are going through since I have to do the same sort of thing with my intelligence reports. Once I had a 16 page report with all sorts of stuff in it and I had to condense it into a paragraph so some analyst would be able to read it quickly and want to read my full report. It is a massive pain. Can look over anything for you if you want.
